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Who let the dogs out?

Photo Contest by Berlinische Galerie and OSTKREUZ

Together with OSTKREUZ we announced an Instagram Photo Contest. We were looking for images that depict dogs on several narrative levels in the context of the current exhibition "Sibylle Bergemann. Town and Country and Dogs. Photographs 1966–2010". Bergemann was one of Germany’s best-known photographers. During her Berlin-based career lasting more than four decades, she produced an outstanding œuvre ranging from urban, fashion and portrait photography to essay-style reportage. Recurring motifs are cities, women and – over and again – dogs.

Kathrin Kohle (Exhibition manager, OSTKREUZ), Frieda von Wild (Daughter of Bergemann, Sibylle Bergemann Estate) and Katia Reich (Head of Photography, Berlinische Galerie) selected three winners: Yurko Dyachyshyn @yurkodyachyshyn Bastian Thiery @bastianthiery  and Lisa Starmans @lisastarmans 

We would like to thank all participants for their inspiring contributions!