
Mariechen Danz

GASAG Art Prize 2024

View of an exhibition room in which an installation of thin, bent metal rods with colourful objects attached to them can be seen.

Mariechen Danz, Clouded in Veins, 2021

© Photo: Roman März

In her artistic practice Mariechen Danz (* 1980 in Dublin, Ireland) explores methods and models of human cognition. In her large installations and performances, often collaborating with other artists and musicians, Mariechen Danz combines established systems of knowledge used to understand and describe the world with subjective, alternative and magical perspectives. The starting point for her artistic research is the fragmented human body: its organs, functions and perceptive processes provide models for expressing new ways to build, exchange and record knowledge, truth and history.

The award winner studied at the University of the Arts in Berlin, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and the California Institute of the Arts in Santa Clarita. Her works have been shown at the 16th Istanbul Biennial, the 57th Biennale di Venezia, Haus der Kunst in Munich, MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst in Vienna, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Kunsthaus Bregenz, The High Line in New York, New York’s New Museum and solo exhibitions at Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, GAK – Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst in Bremen, CAN Centre d’Art Neuchâtel and the Kunstverein Göttingen. Mariechen Danz lives and works in Berlin.

GASAG Art Prize

The GASAG Art Prize entails a site-specific exhibition at the Berlinische Galerie and a publication. The exhibition will be held in conjunction with Berlin Art Week 2024. Previous winners were: Susanne Kriemann (2010), Tue Greenfort (2012), Nik Nowak (2014), Andreas Greiner (2016), Julian Charrière (2018) and Marc Bauer (2020).


The jury for the GASAG Art Prize 2024 consisted of:
Susanne Kriemann, GASAG laureate 2010; Andreas Fiedler, independent curator; Dr Thomas Köhler and Guido Fassbender, Berlinische Galerie; Dr Christina Landbrecht, Schering-Stiftung; Birgit Rieger, Tagesspiegel; Dr Julia Wallner, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck

The nominees for the GASAG Art Prize 2024 were:
Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Aleksandra Domanović, Mariechen Danz

GASAG Art Prize

Art at the interface to science and technology is the theme of the GASAG Art Prize awarded to a promising young artist every two years. Since 2010 GASAG has been teaming up with the Berlinische Galerie to celebrate the event, as the winners are drawn from the Berlin art scene.

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