
Akinbode Akinbiyi, Wedding, Berlin, 2005, Aus der Serie: „African Quarter“, seit den 1990er Jahren, © Akinbode Akinbiyi

Akinbode Akinbiyi, Wedding, Berlin, 2005, Aus der Serie: „African Quarter“, seit den 1990er Jahren, © Akinbode Akinbiyi

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Press material


Art in Berlin 1880 – 1980

Permanent Exhibition

Embracing Modernism

Big names from the Stadtmuseum Berlin

Closer to Nature

Building with Fungi, Trees, Mud
16.2. – 14.10.24

Kader Attia

27.4. – 19.8.24

Iván Argote

In the IBB Video Space

Özlem Altın

Hannah Höch Förderpreis 2024
8.6. – 14.10.24

Akinbode Akinbiyi

Being, Seeing, Wandering
Hannah Höch Prize 2024
8.6. – 14.10.24

Mariechen Danz

GASAG Art Prize 2024
13.9.24 – 31.3.25

Rineke Dijkstra

8.11.24 – 10.2.25

General Information

Berlinische Galerie

Museum of Modern Art, Photography and Architecture

Café Dix by BARK Berlin

Café Dix at the Berlinische Galerie re-opens with BARK Berlin Culinary GmbH

Munch pulls in the crowds

Berlinische Galerie attracts over 223,000 visitors in 2023

Wolf Vostell’s “Hours of Fun” gifted

A great bonus for the Berlinische Galerie Collection

Online project „Mapping the Studio“

A changing landscape in Berlin

Out and About

Queer Visibilities in the Collection of the Berlinische Galerie

Education & Outreach

207 m²

Space for action and collaboration

Press conferences


Rineke Dijkstra

Please accredit by 3 November 2024 via e-mail to:

Press archive

Press releases

2010 – 2024



Sascha Perkins

Head of Communication and Education
Phone +49 30-789 02-829

Paula Rosenboom

Phone +49 30-789 02-831