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Activities in
Atelier Bunter Jakob

Photo: Children filming a picture on a table with a tablet.
© Daniel Müller

Ready, steady.... art!

Workshops, open studios, holiday projects, children’s birthday parties – all our courses and activities begin inside the exhibition. There are so many interesting questions to talk about. What is art anyway? What impact can it have? Is art always kept in museums? And what does all that have to do with us? Young art fans often come up with surprising answers and that is the springboard for artistic practice in the workshop.

Forthcoming dates


Open Studio – your art workshop

For children aged 6 and over


Open Studio – your art workshop

For children aged 6 and over

Bookable offers

Activities for Schools

Photo: Two children draw on clipboards on the floor.

Surprise me

Projekttag zur Dauerausstellung „Kunst in Berlin 1880 – 1980“ für Schulklassen (Klasse 3 – 13)

Photo: A crafted object on a table with craft materials.


Projekttag zur Dauerausstellung „Kunst in Berlin 1880 – 1980“ für Schulklassen (Klasse 1 – 6)

Our team

The course leaders in the Atelier Bunter Jakob are artists themselves with lots of experience in the field of cultural education. They love working creatively with young people and encourage participants to look at art through their own eyes and contribute their own views. If these experiences result in works of art, all the better – the satisfaction is on both sides.

Activities with young people in the Atelier Bunter Jakob are designed and implemented by the non-profit association Jugend im Museum on behalf of the Berlinische Galerie.

Photo: A workshop room with work tables, chairs and materials.
© Daniel Müller
Photo: Adult and two children doing handicrafts together at a table.
© Daniel Müller

Open Studio – your art workshop

Typical! You want to indulge your creative urge at home, and everyone starts moaning about the mess. No problem! Come along to our Open Studio. Here you can paint, draw, build and pursue your own art projects to your heart’s content. Our course leaders will be happy to help. What about a cardboard mouse house or a space shuttle that lands outside the museum? Taking part costs nothing. Just drop in – no need to register first.

Every Wednesday, 3:00–6:00 pm (except in school holidays and on public holidays)
For children aged 6 and over

In partnership with Jugend im Museum e.V.

This activity is kindly funded by the Schering Foundation.

Art? Party!

Photo: Three children painting together with paint.

Kindergeburtstag: Monsterjagd

Im Atelier Bunter Jakob Geburtstag feiern
