Logo of the Berlinischen Galerie

The Foundation
Berlinische Galerie

Photo: High rectangular exhibition space with artworks on the walls. A person is sitting on a bench.
© Noshe

The Foundation

On 2 November 1994 the federal state of Berlin adopted its Museum Foundations Act (Museumsstiftungsgesetz), establishing the Berlinische Galerie as a public museum of modern art, photography and architecture with effect from 12 November 1994. The museum was incorporated as a public law foundation with its own legal capacity and domiciled in Berlin.

The foundation has two governing bodies: a management board (Vorstand) and a board of trustees (Stiftungsrat). An advisory council was created to support them in their work. The museum’s director Dr Thomas Köhler chairs the board of trustees.


The name of the foundation is Stiftung Berlinische Galerie. Its mission is to collect, preserve, care for and research into works and materials relating to the history of art and culture in Berlin, essentially from the 19th century until the present day, in the fields of fine art, photography and architecture. The remit includes making these accessible to the public in the customary manner of a museum, both in the form of a permanent display from the collection and through temporary themed exhibitions, and facilitating an evaluation of its holdings for academic and educational purposes.

Foundation Council


Joe Chialo, Senator for Culture and Community


Erika Hoffmann-Koenige, Sammlung Hoffmann, Berlin
Jens-Rainer Jänig, mc-quadrat, Berlin, Vorsitzender des Fördervereins Berlinische Galerie e.V.
Uli Mayer-Johanssen, Uli Mayer-Johanssen GmbH
Thomas Jebsen, Geschäftsführer der DKB-Immobilien GmbH

Substitute Members

Franciska Zólyom, Direktorin der Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig
Dr. Angelika Taschen, Autorin/Herausgeberin
Dr. Ulrich Köstlin, Berlin
Bert Antonius Kaufmann, Deichtorhallen Hamburg

Advisory Council


Inka Bertz, Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Dr. Ralph Gleis, Director of Alte Nationalgalerie SMB
Julia Hagenberg, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg
Prof. Dr. Charlotte Klonk, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte
Thomas Seelig, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Leitung Fotografische Sammlung
Dr. Alexandra Gräfin von Stosch, Berlin
Dr. Petra Winter, Head of Zentralarchiv der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin
Wolfgang Wittrock, Art Handler

Substitute Members

Dr. Michael Buhrs, Director Museum Villa Stuck, München
Prof. Regine Leibinger, Architect, Barkow Leibinger, Berlin