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John Bock and Heiner Franzen

Video still: A group of colourfully costumed people stand next to each other, some of them looking directly into the camera. Two faces are made up like dolls or clowns, while the other two people are each wearing a mask and a plush bear's head.

John Bock, COWWIDINOK, 2015, Videostill

© John Bock

Who are we and what are we doing here? Ever since Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) founded psychoanalysis, we have been searching our own souls for answers to life’s great questions. Psychonaut comes from astronaut and literally means soul-sailor. These voyages lead not out into space but towards the infinite expanse within us. In that spirit artists John Bock (*1965) and Heiner Franzen (*1960) explore the human psyche and its depths in their enigmatic videos. They draw inspiration from the cinema with its rivers of imagery, a machinery of dream and myth that has often been compared with the human mind. Bock’s theatrical film “COWWIDINOK”, 2015, and Franzen’s installation “Twin”, 2009, are both in the collection of the Berlinische Galerie and will be screened on the museum’s premises for the first time.

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John Bock's film „COWWIDINOK“ (2015) can be streamed online from 7 March.

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