A Sky Like A Wall

Fri 29.11.24, 7 pm

Black and white photo: Two people are lying on the floor in a tight embrace. One person is playing a string instrument while another person wraps their arms around them.

Rehearsal Dance On and Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop

© Photo: Jubal Battisti

How can we use different languages and still communicate? How can a project speak about the missing dialog of our time? In collective authorship, sixteen performers create a sculpture of sound, dance and voices throughout the museum space. A sculpture in motion, reminiscent of the Tower of Babel. The audience decide for themselves where to direct their gaze and their hearing. They can follow the movements or stay put and listen to the babble of voices. An encounter in the space of the Berlinische Galerie. 

"A Sky Like A Wall" is a collaboration between the dancers of the Dance On Ensemble, the musicians of the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop and the author and performance artist Rabih Mroué.


A Sky like a Wall
Dance On Ensemble & Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop
In collaboration with Rabih Mroué

Choreography, Music, Performance: Javier Arozena, Alba Barral Fernandéz, Ziv Frenkel, Anna Herrmann, Emma Lewis, Miki Orihara, Jone San Martin, Marco Volta, Anna Faber, Mia Bodet, Mari Sawada, Ildiko Ludwig, Yodfat Miron, Isabelle Klemt, Sophie Notte, Michael Rauter

Concept, Book: Rabih Mroué
Dramaturgy: Maxi Menja Lehmann
Composition Choir: Grégoire Simon
Costume Design: Werkstattkollektiv
Vocal Coach: Doreen Kutzke
Technical Production Management & Light: Martin Beeretz

Dance On Ensemble:

Production: DANCE ON / Bureau Ritter and Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop
Artistic Direction: Ty Boomershine
Producer: Anastasia Luck, Hélène Philippot

Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop: 

Artistic Direction: Boram Lie
Management & Co-artistic Direction: Volker Hormann 
Producer Kaleidoskop: Michael Hohendorf 

A production by DANCE ON / Bureau Ritter & SOLISTENENSEMBLE KALEIDOSKOP in cooperation with Berlinische Galerie, in collaboration with Radialsystem, funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

DANCE ON is a project by Bureau Ritter gUG, funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion of the State of Berlin and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union as part of DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON.


Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstraße 124–128
10969 Berlin

Tickets 18 €, reduced 14 €
Book online