Iván Argote

In the IBB Video Space

Iván Argote, Levitate, 2022, film still, Courtesy of the artist, Fondazione In Between Art, Perrotin and Albarrán Bourdais
Iván Argote, Levitate, 2022, film still,Courtesy of the artist, Fondazione In Between Art, Perrotin and Albarrán Bourdais

Iván Argote is a visual artist and filmmaker. His sculptures, installations, films and interventions question our relationships with others, with power structures and with belief systems. The Berlinische Galerie is screening two films where he takes a close look at public squares, their history and their significance to urban society: “Levitate” (2022, 25 min) and “La Plaza del Chafleo” (2018, 16 min).

“Levitate” examines the role of monuments in European cities. The film records actions he carried out in Rome, Madrid and Paris to draw attention to the violent history of historical monuments and literally to dismantle them. “La Plaza del Chafleo” takes its cue from the verb “chaflear”, a word invented by the artist that might mean sunbathe, kiss, protest, rave, amble, dig or juggle. All of these are options for activities in public space.

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