Opening: Mariechen Danz

Thu 12.9.24, 7 pm

Mariechen Danz, Possible Paths (fossil feet)

Mariechen Danz, Possible Paths (fossil feet)

© Foto: Trevor Good

Admission starts at 6 pm, free entry


Thomas Köhler
Director, Berlinische Galerie

Guido Faßbender
Curator Fine Arts, Berlinische Galerie

Simultaneous interpreting is
provided in German Sign Language.

A Voiced Gesture
Mariechen Danz
with Saleh Yazdani & Gabriela Lesmes López
Music: Gediminas Žygus

Followed by music
Catering Café Dix by BARK Berlin


The award winner

In her artistic practice Mariechen Danz (* 1980 in Dublin, Ireland) explores methods and models of human cognition. In her large installations and performances, often collaborating with other artists and musicians, Mariechen Danz combines established systems of knowledge used to understand and describe the world with subjective, alternative and magical perspectives. The starting point for her artistic research is the fragmented human body: its organs, functions and perceptive processes provide models for expressing new ways to build, exchange and record knowledge, truth and history.

The Art Prize initiated by GASAG has been granted in partnership with the Berlinische Galerie since 2010.

Part of

Supported as part of


Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstraße 124–128
10969 Berlin

Admission free