Ticket prices
Tickets can also be purchased at the cash desk.
Day ticket 10 €
Reduced 6 €
Free admission for under 18s
Free admission for refugees
Tickets can also be purchased at the cash desk.
Day ticket 10 €
Reduced 6 €
Free admission for under 18s
Free admission for refugees
Wed – Mon 10 am – 6 pm
Closed on Tuesdays
Concessions, proof of entitlement required:
School children, students, apprentices, Participants in a Voluntary Social Service (from 18)
People with severe disabilities
Groups of 10 or more
Single entry upon presentation of a ticket from the Jewish Museum Berlin (JMB)
Berlin Welcome Card
Berlin City Tour Card
Guest Student Card FU Berlin
Familien-Pass (parents receive concession)
Berlin-Ticket S
TheaterGemeinde Berlin
IAA (International Association of Art)
Art Card
IGBK (Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste)
BBK (Berufsverband Bildender Künstler*innen)
VDR (Verband der Restauratoren e.V.)
Queer City Pass
Free entry, proof of entitlement required:
Children and young people, aged 18 and under
School groups and accompanying persons
Recognised helpers of people with severe disabilities
Press representatives
Museum Pass Berlin ("3-day pass")
DAIMLER art pass
Members of the following associations:
Deutscher Museumsbund, ICOM, ICOMOS, IKT International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, Deutscher Verband für Kunstgeschichte
Members of societies and circles of friends at the following institutions:
Berlinische Galerie, Brücke-Museum, Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Kunsthalle Emden, Photographische Sammlung der SK Stiftung Kultur/Köln
Employees of Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH (Visit Berlin)
Tourist guides: Berlin Guide - Verband der Berliner Stadtführer e.V., Bündnis Berliner Stadtführer e.V., Bundesverband der Gästeführer in Deutschland e.V. (BVGD)
Sponsors of the current exhibitions
If you want to bring a group of 10 or more people or a school group to our museum, please buy a time-slot ticket in advance. Each time slot can take one group (max. 35 people). First select the date when you wish to visit, then the size of the group, and finally the time slot. A time-slot booking does not include a guided tour. Admission is free for school groups and visitors under 18. Groups of 10 or more people pay the reduced rate.
After you’ve completed your booking, you can use the confirmation link to download your ticket. You will also receive it via email.
Depending on how you book your online ticket, it may take up to ten minutes to receive the confirmation email. Do be sure to check your spam folder.
Your online ticket can only be refunded if the entire event is cancelled or if the entry is no longer possible on the specified date and time. Please also refer to our terms and conditions.
Upon presenting a ticket from the Jewish Museum Berlin, we will grant you an admission discount. The same offer applies in reverse to temporary exhibitions at the Jewish Museum. Its permanent exhibition can be visited free of charge.
If you have any questions or problems regarding payment or the booking section, our service provider will be happy to help:
E-Mail: publicticketsolution@visitberlin.de
Monday – Friday, 9am – 18pm
If you want to bring a group of 10 or more people or a school group to our museum, please buy a time-slot ticket in advance. Each time slot can take one group (max. 35 people). Groups of 10 or more can buy tickets at the reduced rate of 6 € per person.
First select the date when you wish to visit, then the size of the group, and finally the time slot. A time-slot booking does not include a guided tour.
Admission is free for school groups and visitors under 18. Groups of 10 or more people pay the reduced rate.
Guided tours for groups can be booked directly through Museumsdienst Berlin (tel. +49 (0)30-247 49-888, museumsdienst@kulturprojekte.berlin). In this case there is no need to purchase a time-slot ticket.